Cost-Effective Mobile Patrol Services

mobile patrol security services

Enhance your security with Kestrel Guards’ mobile patrol services.

Our SIA licensed security officers, operating GPS-tracked vehicles, conduct irregular interval visits to deter potential threats and ensure the security of your premises.

In addition to security checks, they also monitor utilities, equipment, and installations, providing a comprehensive security solution.

Our patrol monitoring system offers real-time information, allowing for immediate response to any incidents.

Benefits of Mobile Patrols

  • Visible Deterrent: Regular patrols to deter criminal activity.
  • Flexibility: Irregular visits to avoid predictability.
  • Cost-Effective: Affordable alternative to static guarding.
  • Comprehensive Checks: Monitoring of all critical areas.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Immediate updates and incident response.

Why Our Mobile Patrol Services

  • Versatile Service: Flexible patrol schedules to meet your needs.
  • Advanced Monitoring: Utilisation of GPS and real-time tracking.
  • Cost Efficiency: Providing effective security at a lower cost.
  • Professional Staff: Trained security officers ensuring thorough patrols.

Get in Touch:

Enhance your security, contact Kestrel Guards today to discuss your security requirements with our SIA approved contractors.